In this episode, cohost Lamar Hardwick examines how to find hope when disability seems to limit our ability to participate in things that are important to our Christian faith.
Seven Muti-Sensory Strategies for Memorizing Scripture: Podcast Episode 015
If you are in children’s ministry or disability ministry, you may have students who have challenges memorizing Scripture. In this episode, Beth will share seven no-cost or low-cost ideas to engage a variety of learners in Scripture memorization, including those who learn best through hearing, or seeing, or doing.
How to Make your Event Planning Go from Stressful to Successful: Podcast Ep 011
Welcome at the Table: Podcast Episode 001
How do we make a church culture shift that leads to everyone being on board for the inclusion of people with disabilities and the modifications we can make so they feel welcome? In this episode of Key Ministry: The Podcast, we'll talk through the shift King David made in the book of 2nd Samuel, from banning people with disabilities from entering the city to welcoming Mephibosheth at his table. David took three steps we can learn from today: realization, restoration, and invitation.