Special Needs Ministry

Pastors: Here’s Three Reasons To Be Thankful For Your Special Needs Ministry Leaders

Pastors: Here’s Three Reasons To Be Thankful For Your Special Needs Ministry Leaders

Pastor and leaders: if you have a special needs ministry team please show them the same love and appreciation that Paul shares with the church of Thessalonica. It is their faithful work, loving deeds, and enduring hope that is often the engine that secretly powers the mission and purpose of Christ in your congregation.

Helping families discover their unexpected blessings

Helping families discover their unexpected blessings

Sandra has written a remarkable book that will be a great source of comfort and encouragement through revealing "the joys and possibilities of life in a special needs family."

Why the Home Group Model Is Hard for Special-Needs Families and How to Make It Easier

Why the Home Group Model Is Hard for Special-Needs Families and How to Make It Easier

Many churches are moving away from the traditional Sunday school model and using home groups. But this way of “doing life together” can leave special-needs families isolated and alone.

Building Better Banquets: How Prioritize Special-Needs Ministry In Your Church

Building Better Banquets: How Prioritize Special-Needs Ministry In Your Church

When church leadership is approached about the need to create environments that can serve the needs of the disability and special-needs community, the most common response is a lack of education and lack of resources. In other words, there is no room in the budget, no room in the mission, no room in the vision of the church, and no room for discussion about disability theology.

How a Small Change at Church Created a Big Problem

How a Small Change at Church Created a Big Problem

As I dropped her off at her class, I felt completely overwhelmed and wondered what in the world just happened. Jaycee had been totally confused by the whole ordeal but was glad to be in her familiar classroom. I was in no shape for a church service mentally. I was exhausted.

Four Characteristics of Church Environments Ready to Welcome Special-Needs Families

Four Characteristics of Church Environments Ready to Welcome Special-Needs Families

I have found that there are four characteristics of churches that already have the type of environment that can over time serve as a foundation for building a solid special-needs ministry for families who need their support.

When the Church Abandoned My Special-Needs Family

When the Church Abandoned My Special-Needs Family

That feeling of abandonment by the people of God can lead to feelings of abandonment by God. But acceptance by a church will never equal God’s acceptance. God, through His Son, choose to be with me, to walk along with our family.