Mental Health

Next Level Disability Inclusion Ministry

Next Level Disability Inclusion Ministry

Do you want to take your disability inclusion ministry to the next level? Be like the early church, by not only meeting the need of the moment, but by using the wisdom of those who have gone before to anticipate the needs that will be predictably coming soon.

Making Churches Safe From Abuse

Making Churches Safe From Abuse

The topic of domestic violence and mental health has come to the forefront for me in the last ten years. Here are two national training and ministry resources for pastors and church leaders to help prevent and address abuse.

25 Encouraging Bible Verses for Disability Ministry Leaders

25 Encouraging Bible Verses for Disability Ministry Leaders

Tis the season when caring ministry leaders and volunteers typically try to do some regrouping. The Bible has generous reassurance for leaders caring for individuals and families affected by special needs. I pray you know the tremendous value of the work you do and find refreshment in God’s truth here!

Five Barriers To Mental Health Services, and Some Ways Churches Can Help

Five Barriers To Mental Health Services, and Some Ways Churches Can Help

We know there are many barriers to treatment. But I want to focus in this article on practical barriers to mental health treatment, where churches can help immediately to address them.

The Case for an Impacted Pastor: Four Reasons Why You Need Church Leaders with Disabilities

The Case for an Impacted Pastor: Four Reasons Why You Need Church Leaders with Disabilities

So, you don’t know me, but I’m a pastor. God called me to ministry about five years ago. Like most of us, I never would’ve seen it coming. There are a dozen reasons why nobody would want to use me and those are all the reasons why God chose me.

Practical Tips for Effective Prayer Ministry for Caregivers and their Families

Practical Tips for Effective Prayer Ministry for Caregivers and their Families

Prayer ministry can be intimidating when the recipients of our caring are faced with complicated circumstances. But nothing is too complicated for God. Here are some practical tips for effective prayer ministry, for both small groups and your church.

How Lament Fosters Hope

How Lament Fosters Hope

Let's think about lament for a moment. What pops into your mind? Complaining? Weakness? We were taught as children not to complain. And Christians should be thankful in everything, right?

Yes. But when it comes to God, no. I think lament is an essential part of hope.

The Greater Things of Revolutionary Love

The Greater Things of Revolutionary Love

The Sunday following my son’s autism diagnosis, we ventured out to church. I could never have predicted the way that attempt would go up in flames. What we experienced was not biblical, and all these years later, I’m now a disability inclusion pastor. What if, as we strive to make churches inclusive for people living with disabilities, that the greatest change from inclusion efforts is that the church finally develops revolutionary love?

Encouraging Signs Regarding Mental Health and the Church

Encouraging Signs Regarding Mental Health and the Church

We’d love to have you join us this weekend for the Thrive and Cultivate Summit.. The very presence of events such as this one is reason to be hopeful that the church is starting to “get it” when it comes to mental health.

Creating Belonging: Rethinking Cultural Contexts and Mental Health

Creating Belonging: Rethinking Cultural Contexts and Mental Health

In different cultural settings, the value of an individual’s gifts and the stigma of mental health struggles can vary greatly. What if the Church shifted its methods of interpreting mental health challenges at a pastoral, liturgical and theological level, to a focus on creating belonging?