Do you want to take your disability inclusion ministry to the next level? Be like the early church, by not only meeting the need of the moment, but by using the wisdom of those who have gone before to anticipate the needs that will be predictably coming soon.
Making Churches Safe From Abuse
25 Encouraging Bible Verses for Disability Ministry Leaders
Tis the season when caring ministry leaders and volunteers typically try to do some regrouping. The Bible has generous reassurance for leaders caring for individuals and families affected by special needs. I pray you know the tremendous value of the work you do and find refreshment in God’s truth here!
Five Barriers To Mental Health Services, and Some Ways Churches Can Help
The Case for an Impacted Pastor: Four Reasons Why You Need Church Leaders with Disabilities
Practical Tips for Effective Prayer Ministry for Caregivers and their Families
How Lament Fosters Hope
The Greater Things of Revolutionary Love
The Sunday following my son’s autism diagnosis, we ventured out to church. I could never have predicted the way that attempt would go up in flames. What we experienced was not biblical, and all these years later, I’m now a disability inclusion pastor. What if, as we strive to make churches inclusive for people living with disabilities, that the greatest change from inclusion efforts is that the church finally develops revolutionary love?