Church Support

Dispensable Lives? Part Two

Dispensable Lives? Part Two

In part two of his blog post, Tony D’Orazio from Jacob’s Ladder Fitness continues with this important question: what has humanity missed out on without all those people with Down syndrome in the world?

Dispensable Lives? Part One

Dispensable Lives? Part One

Tony D’Orazio from Jacob’s Ladder Fitness asks an important question: what has humanity missed out on without all those people with Down syndrome in the world?

Part 3: How Churches Can Accommodate Adopted Children and Teens with Disabilities

Part 3: How Churches Can Accommodate Adopted Children and Teens with Disabilities

In the final part of this 3-part series, Sandra Peoples shares age group-specific strategies for churches to welcome, include, and create a place of belonging for adoptive children and teens with disabilities and traumatic backgrounds.

Part 2: How Churches Can Provide Long-Term Support for Adoptive Families

Part 2: How Churches Can Provide Long-Term Support for Adoptive Families

God's directive for adoptive families is the same as it is for every family. But adoptive, special-needs families experience extra challenges to meet this calling. In part 2 of this 3-part series, Sandra Peoples shares practical tips for churches to provide places of inclusion and belonging for families.

Deciding When to Push Through or Pull Back in Special Needs Ministry

Deciding When to Push Through or Pull Back in Special Needs Ministry

Sometimes things go great in your special needs ministry or class. Then there are other days when things do not go as planned. What do you do when things go wrong? Here are some principles that guide our ministry decisions.

Churches That Encourage Adoption Should Be Trauma Informed and Disability Accommodating

Churches That Encourage Adoption Should Be Trauma Informed and Disability Accommodating

Churches rightly encourage adoption and support families going through the adoption process, but are they prepared when the child or teen comes home and is diagnosed with special needs or trauma-related issues? Sandra Peoples shares three-part series on a theology of disability that can serve as a motivation for churches to meet the needs of these families.

Three Ways for the Church to Support Families with Down Syndrome

Three Ways for the Church to Support Families with Down Syndrome

March 21st is World Down Syndrome Day (WDSD), a global awareness day for those with an extra 21st chromosome. Based upon my experiences of a now 16-year old, I would like to offer three ways that churches can better support families like mine, no matter the age of the person with Down syndrome.

Obtaining the Favor of the Lord

Obtaining the Favor of the Lord

How do we obtain the Lord’s favor? Or earn our stamp of approval from the Almighty? We want it, right? Our gold star? I thought about people from the Bible, people with personal lives of pain, hardship and calls to obey difficult circumstances. What was it about them that led to God’s favor?

Learning to Sit at the Feet of Jesus

Learning to Sit at the Feet of Jesus

I have spent my entire life as a servant. My entire life I’ve been a caregiver. But in recent years, with moment after moment of near mental breakdown, I’ve realized something: I have grown tired because I have spent my entire life running from just ‘being still.’