Scripture is a fundamental part of Christianity. When our church launched a special needs ministry a few years ago, I wondered how we could incorporate scripture into our lessons while making it understandable for those with Intellectual Disabilities and limited speech. Here are five ways to embed scriptures in your special-needs ministry.
A New Model for Disability Ministry and Discipleship: House Church
Ministering to families who are impacted by disability was especially difficult for pastors during the start of the COVID pandemic. In June, I began to seek the Lord for a way that we could keep everyone physically safe, obey CDC health guidelines and provide the community that the people so desperately needed. And the answer was found right at home.
Tips to Change Good Intentions into Culture-Changing Connectedness
The global pandemic increased society’s awareness about the feelings and implications of being isolated. The question remains, what will be the lasting impact of that new awareness? Lisa Jamieson offers some observations and tips for churches and ministries to deepen connection with special needs families.
Mental Illness and Discipleship
Three Ways to Engage During Online Ministry
How Will Your Church Building Be Used this Winter?
Strengthening Mental Health, Relationships and Connection: A Direction for the Church in 2021
A few months ago, Barna Group released a book titled Restoring Relationships that looks at their research on the challenges individuals and couples are experiencing with mental, emotional, and relational health, and how the church could help. Updated for the impacts of COVID-19, the research also looked at pastors’ mental health. But the most important question of all, which can help inform ministry for 2021, may be this: do people still feel connected during the pandemic?
Understanding and Engaging with Multicultural Special Needs Families - Part 2
Best Practices for Hybrid Ministry - Combined Virtual and In-Person Gatherings
As 2020 winds down, one thing is clear: the ministry changes experienced this year will continue, and many of these changes will become the new standards, including offering both in-person and virtual options simultaneously for church services and classroom gatherings. As ministries have shifted to meet the challenges of 2020, best practices for a variety of important ministry details have emerged. We have compiled the principles and practical solutions shared in recent discussions with ministry leaders, and offer these to you and your ministry team so that the mission of spreading the gospel and developing disciples can continue unhindered in 2021.