Church Support

A Personal Look at the Mental Health Impacts of Quarantine

A Personal Look at the Mental Health Impacts of Quarantine

Recently, Joanna French and her family were quarantined after their children were exposed to COVID-19. Here’s an honest look at how quarantine impacted her mental health.

God’s Design for Family and Church, Revealed in Christmas

God’s Design for Family and Church, Revealed in Christmas

Christmas brings a sweet and stirring reminder that God is at the center of family. As the church, we are God’s expression of His extended family. When we look at the manger, we see ourselves as part of Jesus’ family. And all at once, we see Jesus through the years at Christmastime.

Radical Obedience to God, Radical Protection of Grace

Radical Obedience to God, Radical Protection of Grace

The more I meditate on the actions of these heroes of faith, the more I see how everything is connected to obedience; actions intertwined with movement forward, and obedience becomes the barometer of faithfulness and even surpasses character flaws, personality quirks, and bad choices.

Five Reasons to be Grateful for Disabilities and Disability Ministry

Five Reasons to be Grateful for Disabilities and Disability Ministry

As people, we gravitate toward the comfortable, the safe, the easy, and the peaceful. I get it. No, I really, really do. Because of this, I absolutely understand why it is scary to welcome people with disabilities into your church. That is why today I will tell you why you should encourage us to attend your church, but you should also be thankful we are part of your church.

A plan to help hurting churches help hurting families

A plan to help hurting churches help hurting families

These are some of our guiding principles for growing disability ministry in a shrinking church in the years ahead.

Election Aftermath: A Challenge to the Church to Be the Church

Election Aftermath: A Challenge to the Church to Be the Church

When did Christians reach the point that we don’t oppose a person’s stance on the issues, but we oppose the person? When we did we decide that the value of a person is in whether or not they agree with us? A challenge to the Church to be the Church in the aftermath of this week’s elections.

Celebrating the Interconnected Tapestry that is the Body of Christ

Celebrating the Interconnected Tapestry that is the Body of Christ

We are living in times ripe for the history books. Most of us have been weighing questions on topics ranging from the effects of isolation to medical vulnerability, racial equity and religious freedoms. Leaders in the disability movement are keenly aware of overlaps and similarities among the issues at hand. I’ve been praying that God would use this season to grow us into more compassionate and courageously engaged people, because we desperately need to start appreciating our uniquenesses and enjoying how interconnected we are.

The Ultimate Church Comeback Plan

The Ultimate Church Comeback Plan

Many of the concepts that the general population have experienced for the first time in 2020 are all too familiar to some in the disability community. The new reality that many of us are experiencing for the first time is all too familiar for many families living with disabilities who face manifold barriers to leave their home on a typical day. So what if we took this opportunity to re-imagine a church that was accessible to 100% of people—rather than just the 85% who don’t live with disabilities?

Simple Adjustments that Create Genuine Communication

Simple Adjustments that Create Genuine Communication

Many years ago, our family had a lovely pet boxer dog. When we got him, he already had a docked tail. Recently I realized that his tail wasn’t just cut off, but his means of communication with other dogs was cut off as well. Since that time, boxers usually get to keep their tails. They are calmer, happier and can socialize freely with other dogs. If communication is so important for dogs, it is paramount for human beings!

Building Mental Health Awareness In Churches This October

Building Mental Health Awareness In Churches This October

Two times of the year are devoted to building awareness about mental illness. In October, Mental Illness Awareness Week is October 4 – 10; October 10 is World Mental Health Day. The hope is that within these days, weeks, and months when we bring awareness, specifically through the Church, that we can reduce stigma and bring the Church to the forefront of conversations about mental illness.