
Simple Adjustments that Create Genuine Communication

Simple Adjustments that Create Genuine Communication

Many years ago, our family had a lovely pet boxer dog. When we got him, he already had a docked tail. Recently I realized that his tail wasn’t just cut off, but his means of communication with other dogs was cut off as well. Since that time, boxers usually get to keep their tails. They are calmer, happier and can socialize freely with other dogs. If communication is so important for dogs, it is paramount for human beings!

Why It's Important to See As God Sees

Why It's Important to See As God Sees

My husband has advanced dementia. Many people I meet want to understand, but often make assumptions and therefore make mistakes. The Bible warns us not to look at externals; this is not how God looks at individuals. We need to be willing to look at our assumptions and make changes; we must be willing to learn.

The five kids I’m most concerned about this fall

The five kids I’m most concerned about this fall

Based upon my observations from thirty years as a child psychiatrist, here are five groups of kids I’m most concerned about this school year.

Six Reasons Why Pastors are Really Hurting, and How You Can Help

Six Reasons Why Pastors are Really Hurting, and How You Can Help

Depression and anxiety are real challenges for many people; pastors are no different. The reality that most people will never know is that the calling to be a pastor comes with a hefty price tag. I cannot speak for all pastors, so I will speak for myself and for those whom I personally know who struggle, while watching over the souls of others. Maybe by sharing this way, we can get to the heart of why many pastors are hurting, especially during this difficult time.

Three Simple Steps for Spiritual Self-Care During Quarantine

Three Simple Steps for Spiritual Self-Care During Quarantine

What has the potential to crush you? In what area of life do you need “space” for spiritual health in the midst of the COVID-19 crisis? Here are three simple steps from Jesus’ life to protect your spiritual, mental and emotional health.

An Easter service for the disability community

An Easter service for the disability community

We're hosting a very special worship service for families impacted by disability who don't have a church this Easter morning

Five Practical Ways Churches Can Support Special Needs Families

Five Practical Ways Churches Can Support Special Needs Families

There has never been a day I grieved my children. Still, deep in my heart, there is this grief. Please hear me when I say my children are a joy. They are the reason I have found my calling. But today, I want you to learn from my experience what the parents of special needs children may be feeling in your church, and how you can help.

Labels: Helpful or Not?

Labels: Helpful or Not?

Labels can define us. Many times we attribute value to people according to what they do. We see people through our perceived definition of the label. They cease to become an individual person and become confined by the label. But churches need to be careful about labelling people, to ensure that we don’t just see the person with a disability through the eyes of the label.

The State of Autism: Five Takeaways and Four Action Steps

The State of Autism: Five Takeaways and Four Action Steps

Last month, I was invited to attend the Autism Speaks Thought Leadership Summit on Achieving Health Equity in Washington, DC. Much like Inclusion Fusion Live, it was one of those conferences where your mind is filled to overflow with information, generation of new ideas and new people you’d like to collaborate with on your work. Here are five takeaways and four action steps for churches and families.

Entering the World of Disability

Entering the World of Disability

Jesus entered the world of people He was with, and used communication that they would understand. But we often ask disabled persons to join in our activities and learn to function in our world. When we learn from Him, by entering the world of those who find our ways of communicating difficult, sometimes incredible connection can happen.