
Building Better Banquets: How Prioritize Special-Needs Ministry In Your Church

Building Better Banquets: How Prioritize Special-Needs Ministry In Your Church

When church leadership is approached about the need to create environments that can serve the needs of the disability and special-needs community, the most common response is a lack of education and lack of resources. In other words, there is no room in the budget, no room in the mission, no room in the vision of the church, and no room for discussion about disability theology.

Communicating Courage to Those with High Functioning Autism and Mental Health Conditions

Communicating Courage to Those with High Functioning Autism and Mental Health Conditions

Communication from one person to another is so fundamental that we assume all but the youngest children can understand what we say—and even what we mean—in our own language. But mental health conditions and high functioning autism often interfere with a person’s ability to communicate with others, much like living as a stranger in a strange land, speaking a foreign tongue.

It's the hidden disabilities that keep kids out of church

It's the hidden disabilities that keep kids out of church

The study found that the children most likely to be excluded from church are those with autism spectrum disorders and common mental health conditions - anxiety, depression, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, Conduct Disorder and ADHD.

Why church is difficult for persons on the high end of the autism spectrum

Why church is difficult for persons on the high end of the autism spectrum

We need churches committed to welcoming children, teens and adults on the autism spectrum of typical to high intelligence and affording them opportunities for using their considerable gifts and talents to advance the mission of the church.

Navigating Others' Expectations of Your Family This Holiday Season

Navigating Others' Expectations of Your Family This Holiday Season

There will be times in the coming weeks you'll disappoint people, your children will disappoint people. But your goal isn't to meet everyone's expectations. It's to do what's best for your child and your family. It's to point others to the perfect Savior who will never disappoint them. 

The mental health crisis among persons with autism

The mental health crisis among persons with autism

Perhaps one of the reasons the church has struggled to effectively minister with many persons with autism spectrum disorders is that we don't do a very good job of welcoming and including children and adults with mental health-related challenges common among persons with autism?