Hope & Healing for Special-Needs Parents (our spring course with Hope Anew)

We were young parents, our second son had just been born and I was rocking in a recliner with him on my chest at two in the morning as he finally stopped screaming for a little while and slept. Oh, what satisfaction to finally have him sleep, even if for just a little while. This was allowing Sarah to get a brief rest after caring for him all day.

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This was our “intro” into special needs eleven years ago. This was our first clue that something was different. This is when our world changed.  Many doctor appointments later, the only help we received was, “We’ll make a note in his chart.” They would make a note that he couldn’t keep food down, that he was screaming in pain all day long, that he was projectile vomiting every time he ate and struggling with diarrhea and anal fissures. They would make a note that he was failing to thrive.

Our journey in special needs has taken us through many ups and downs. Every day having its challenges, it left us feeling alone and feeling like no one got it. There was a loss of faith in the medical system as it was unable to provide the answers or help we needed. It brought us to a point of questioning what we had been taught in church and Sunday school, wondering what promises from scripture we could hold on to. It brought us to a point of feeling broken, not being able to move forward, but having to. As a father, I mourned the loss of dreams that I had for my family and for my son. I struggled with how to best support my wife and family.

When did your world change? Does any of the following resonate with you? Is it all you can do to just keep pushing on, one more step, one more day, one more appointment? Do you feel like there is no one you can be real with and share the struggles you are having, so you bury them and keeping going forward? I’m guessing you keep caring for your family and making sure each person has what they need, except for you.

Join Hope Anew’s online Hope & Healing Group this spring. 

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How long can you keep going like this?

Imagine a community who gets it. A community made up of parents who have been there. This community exists and we would like to invite you to be a part of it! Come join Hope Anew’s online Hope & Healing Group. We will kick off on March 22nd and will meet for 90 minutes on a weekly basis for 5 weeks. Sarah and I have the privilege of guiding you through this time, equipping you with tools you need for the journey ahead. Our background is in Biblical studies and counseling but most importantly we are the parents of two boys, the youngest of which has his own special needs. Each week, you will be able to see and interact with each other live as we discuss the topics of:

  • Why God?
  • What is Chronic Grief?
  • Guilt & Forgiveness
  • What is a Heart Wound?
  • Healing Hearts

Come join a community who “gets it”, and be equipped in your journey towards Christ-centered hope and healing.

When you sign up to learn more, you'll receive emails with more details as we get closer to the kick off date. Be sure to confirm your subscription to the email list and check your spam folder for emails from us!