Want to help us put on a disability ministry conference?
Our team is hosting a disability ministry conference in Cleveland next April. We want the pastors, church staff and volunteers in attendance to leave with the tools and resources they need to launch new ministries or expand the scope of their existing ministries. We want family members of persons with disabilities to leave prepared to support the spiritual growth of their loved ones and to expand the impact of their personal ministries. And we can’t do it without your help!
Key Ministry is pleased to announce that we’ll be hosting Inclusion Fusion Live on April 20th-21st, 2018 at Bay Presbyterian Church in Bay Village, Ohio. Unlike our disability ministry web summits from 2011, 2012 and 2014, we’ll be gathering together in person at the church that provided us with the support to launch our ministry fifteen years ago. The theme of the conference is Every Church Can Do Something.
In accordance with the conference theme, the Program Committee is seeking dynamic speakers who will offer workshops, symposia and briefer “TED Talk” type presentations that will serve as catalysts for churches and individuals to take the next steps in growing their disability ministries. We’ll also be offering extended half-day or day-long workshops for church leaders on the following topics and more…
- Starting a respite ministry
- Starting a special needs ministry
- Developing a church-wide mental health inclusion strategy
How can you help?
First, you can save the dates of April 20th-21st and plan to join us in person and share this post with pastors, church leaders, volunteers and family members who might wish to join us as well. We anticipate there will be a registration fee for some of the extended workshops offered by our ministry partners, but much of the content will be made available for free.
We’ll be looking for friends to help us spread the word about the conference when registration opens in the second half on January. You can sign up to receive e-mails and notifications as the conference takes shape in the coming weeks.
Finally, we’re looking for engaging speakers with practical tools and ideas for growing disability ministry. Ours is not a closed club. Any mature Christian with great resources to share is welcome to submit a proposal to our Program Committee. Submission of a proposal is not a guarantee of acceptance. Speakers have the option of submitting presentations for a program track for ministry leaders or a track for families. Breakout speakers will be offered a free space among our vendor tables to share their messages and products with the entire audience at Inclusion Fusion Live.
Prospective speakers need to provide their submissions by Friday, December 15th and will receive notification if accepted from the Program Committee by Monday, January 15th.
We look forward to seeing many old friends and lots of new ones at Inclusion Fusion Live this coming April in Cleveland!
Key Ministry helps connect churches and families of kids with disabilities for the purpose of making disciples of Jesus Christ. In order to provide the free training, consultation, resources and support we offer daily to church leaders and families, we depend upon the prayers and generous financial support of readers like you. Please pray for the work of our ministry and consider a financial gift to help us cover our shortfall in 2017 and expand the work of our ministry in 2018 and beyond!