Why do we so quickly look to our child's IEP as such a critical document which must be followed to a T, while in our personal lives, we allow God's IEP for us go untouched, unexplored, and unfollowed.
Are Parents To Blame For Their Child's Disability?
Instead of parents being wrongly blamed, or even worse parents blaming themselves for the disability or additional needs of their child, let our children inspire us to what God has called us to, let us celebrate how God is working through our children and let us do away with fault, blame, guilt and all of the other negatives that are the work of the enemy.
Jesus Christ, the Special-Needs Advocate
My Dream Is Cracked: A Lament
You Are Not Enough
I am not enough for my children. And every time I try to be, I take on a role that isn’t mine. I am not supposed to be enough for their total happiness, or the solution to all their problems, or sufficient for all their questions. I can’t be, no matter how hard I try.
But God is enough for all I am not.