I stood in the middle of a cornfield with my daughter, surrounded by brown cornstalks towering over our heads and the dry, dusty earth beneath us. I panicked for a moment. I was alone in a corn maze with my daughter, armed with my poor sense of direction to lead us out.
The Beauty of Disability
Reflections on Graduation Day - Part 1
The Noise in the Back of the Church
My family sits near the back of the sanctuary in the church. I feel safe in the back, where we might blend in and not disturb anyone. I find myself so worried about my daughter and the people around us that I tune out the sermon altogether. Ironically, I am in church fretting over something like this. I have to trust that the people in our congregation will have grace for my family.
Finding Hope When Everything is Going Wrong
What will go wrong next? This question has come up on a daily basis for my family this summer. After digging into Acts 18:21, I now see how the hardships faced by the apostles make our recent experiences seem like a walk in the park. Instead of asking “What will go wrong next?” and worrying about what was out of my control, I followed the apostle’s example, rested in the sovereignty of God