Living Life Daily

The Simple Life of Special Needs

The Simple Life of Special Needs

Folks with special needs often have lives that are simple. I didn’t say easy; I said simple. As Joey’s parents, the simplicity of his life has overflowed into ours, and we’ve learned a lot. Here are a few things that have helped simplify life for us.

The Mission Field Next Door: Meeting The Desperate Needs of Special Needs Families

The Mission Field Next Door: Meeting The Desperate Needs of Special Needs Families

I once served as a volunteer missionary for nearly 2 years and as a missionary, I was willing to do whatever was asked of me. I often sit in church and listen to the different mission programs, especially short work trips and wonder why? Why do we raise thousands of dollars to send courageous, self-sacrificing individuals to visit far off lands in the name of Jesus when there are so many we neglect in our own communities? We need the Church to be the hands and feet of that powerful calling we claim as Christianity. Outside of the church walls. It might be time to get our hands dirty.

An Encouraging Verse for Special Needs Parents During Times of Uncertainty

An Encouraging Verse for Special Needs Parents During Times of Uncertainty

Special needs parents already live with a lot of stress and anxiety. But when you add in the extra uncertainty that comes with COVID-19 and what’s going on with back-to-school come the fall, well, it’s possible as parents to go into anxiety overload. But there’s a verse in Isaiah that is very encouraging for all parents during this time of uncertainty regarding your child(ren) and our future.

Living in the Now: Lessons from a Son with Autism

Living in the Now: Lessons from a Son with Autism

Every August, I get out this story of my son and remind myself that even as the walnut leaves begin to fall, even as I am gripped by the sadness of one kind of letting go or another, it is, in Kairos time, the very first Christmas. When I allow myself to live in the moment, I am in the midst of God's glory.

Four Steps to Help Make Difficult Decisions

Four Steps to Help Make Difficult Decisions

There are an overabundance of decisions to make in life right now. For many people I know, school decisions are presently giving parents much to ponder. Some parents are admittedly terrified of making the wrong decision for their child. Here are four things that my husband and I do when we are faced with difficult decisions.