
Creating Precious Memories in Difficult Times

Creating Precious Memories in Difficult Times

Parenting a child with additional needs or disabilities can be hectic, a bit overwhelming too, with so much to juggle, so much unpredictability and so many battles to fight, especially in these difficult times. So when precious moments come along, it is important to cherish them, enjoy them, to squeeze every single drop of joy out of them, a bit like we did with a very special moment a while ago.

3 Tips to Keep Social Skills Strong During Quarantine

3 Tips to Keep Social Skills Strong During Quarantine

For many special needs kids, they are more comfortable not socializing. I am concerned, as our social distancing and quarantine goes on for months, it will be difficult for many kids to transition back to socializing with more people, besides in the comfort of our own homes. Here are three things you can start now, to help your child not be too anxious or nervous to leave home, once we start getting back to ‘normal.’

Three C's for Surviving COVID-19 as a Single Special Needs Parent

Three C's for Surviving COVID-19 as a Single Special Needs Parent

I had just dropped off my son after having him for the weekend, as it was my time with him, according to the parenting agreement with my ex-wife. I no sooner put the car in reverse than I heard the declaration on the radio during a COVID-19 briefing that all restaurants, cafes and bars were to be closed indefinitely. Children like mine don’t just “do better” with routines and structure, they require it. I want to share some ideas and perspective on this time as a new single parent of an autistic child and how I, and more importantly, we as a family still, are coping.

There is Room at the Table for Everyone

There is Room at the Table for Everyone

A sunbeam, streaming in through the kitchen window, rests on Joel. Light shimmers around him. As the music plays, he slowly looks around the table, looking each of us in the eye with his beautiful, baby blues. (Who says autism means no eye contact?!). His grin says it all: I have a gift for you! Please listen!