We need community. But true community takes shape when the real living people in that community share their lives with each other. We create order out of chaos when we share our stories. When you share your story, you are sharing hope.
Tell Me The Old, Old Story
Remove the Rescue Vest and Let God be God
When my son was diagnosed with autism more than thirty years ago, I put on my yellow rescue vest, and rarely take it off. I’ve discovered that my work as rescuer has bled over into the rest of my life. I need to let go of the myth that I have the power to rescue or change anyone but myself. God is inviting me to take off the yellow rescue vest and let God be God!
My Son’s Autism Revealed Where I Had Really Placed My Faith
Interrogate Your Assumptions
On a day when I saw several miracles, I was reminded again that I never really know what's happening. My brain insists on thinking the thoughts it has learned to believe. I continue to learn to resist, reframe and redirect my thoughts, so I can see the new thing that's already happening right before my eyes that I’m just not seeing yet.