I want Barb to know how much we value her and the gifts she's given to us and everyone else serving in the disability ministry field.
An Open Letter to a Disability-Friendly Church Leader
Dear leader in a disability-friendly church: I am the parent of a child with special needs who appreciates you so much. I understand this is a complicated season to serve in ministry. May God keep you brave and persistent. I am also praying God will help us all work together in finding solutions that fit our family and our church.
Why It's Important to See As God Sees
My husband has advanced dementia. Many people I meet want to understand, but often make assumptions and therefore make mistakes. The Bible warns us not to look at externals; this is not how God looks at individuals. We need to be willing to look at our assumptions and make changes; we must be willing to learn.
The Church and Substance Abuse Recovery
The Church has a spotty past with working alongside people who have substance misuse issues. The goal of recovery shouldn’t be just to stop the negative behavior. While that’s certainly important, our goal should be a transformation from the inside out. Here’s some information about substance abuse that can help your church.
Race, reconciliation, disability and the church
Leveraging What We've Learned from COVID-19 to Serve the Disability Community
Since March churches and church leaders have had to find ways to creatively navigate the storm caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. All across the globe, churches have been using ingenuity to engage their congregants that are unable to attend worship gatherings in a centralized physical location. This pandemic is the perfect opportunity for the Church to take inventory of its efforts to include a population of people who have been missing from our weekly gatherings: the disability community.